Five Star Storage

The Situation

Five Star’s Rochester facility rose up dramatically to become our largest storage build to date with: 

  • 10 single-story self-storage buildings;

  • A two-story climate controlled building;

  • 17 exterior heated units; and

  • A covered loading dock canopy with motion-controlled sliding doors and easy elevator access.

This project wasn’t without challenges, however. The project team ran into an issue with overhead power lines in the way of building completion.

The Result

Working closely with the client and local utility, power lines were de-energized and removed while new ones were installed for neighboring businesses, allowing us to continue moving the project forward. Strategically using every piece of available land between two existing properties, we constructed a state-of-the-art storage facility that elevates the customer experience to five stars!

  • Client: Five Star Storage

    Industry: Storage

    Type: Multi-Unit Self Storage Facility

    Location: Rochester, MN

    Approx. Sq. Ft.: 83,880


Casa de Corazón